No matter what type of engineering project you have, we can help. Submit your project today!

Limpia los filtros de tu aire

Limpia periódicamente los filtros de tu aire acondicionado, esto ayudará a que tu equipo no se esfuerce y te brinde la temperatura deseada en menos tiempo.


Apaga y desconecta tu computadora

Desconecta tu computadora de la electricidad cuando salgas de vacaciones o por largos periodos de tiempo. Al igual que con las bombillas, al apagar los dispositivos durante la noche, no solo ahorrara energía y dinero, sino que también estará prolongando su vida útil.


Usa la función SleepMode en tu Aire Acondicionado

Utiliza la función SleepMode de tu aire acondicionado. Esta función ajusta en forma automática la temperatura mientras usted duerme cuidando el ahorro energético y maximizando el nivel de confort.


Reemplaza esos viejos bulbos

Reemplaza tus focos incandescentes de tu casa por lámparas Fluorescentes Compactas Auto alastrados, mejor conocidas como focos ahorradores.


Usar la Lavadora en la mañana o en la tarde y debe usarse llena

Utiliza la lavadora, secadora y otros electrodomésticos durante la mañana o la tarde, cuando la temperatura de fuera es baja. Esto ayudara a los aparatos no se esfuercen y consuman menos energía eléctrica.


Apaga las Luces

Estudios demuestran que el 30% de la energía utilizada en una casa, se consume en forma innecesaria. La iluminación de una vivienda es aproximadamente el 11% de la factura de la luz. Apagando las luces que no necesitas, comenzarás a ahorrar enseguida, y ampliarás la vida de las bombillas.


About Factory HUB

Over 24 years experience and knowledge of international industrial systems, dedicated to provide the best economical solutions to our valued customers. We Won Many Factory Awards and Got Many Ceritificates Since 2001-2016

We are Professional

How all this mistakens idea of denouncing pleasures and completed account.

We are Trusted

Idea denouncing pleasures and praisings pain was born great explorer.

We are Expert

Denouncing pleasures and was born work  will give you a complete masters.


Great! Support and Special Care

Factory HUB Company is professional, creative and concept from knowledgeable. Dwayne our designer was actual teachings the great explorer of the truth patient, know how to pursue pleasure accommodating and work.

Stephanie Gaskel

- CAD experts

Great! Support and Special Care

Factory HUB Company is professional, creative and concept from knowledgeable. Dwayne our designer was actual teachings the great explorer of the truth patient, know how to pursue pleasure accommodating and work.


- FEA engineers

Great! Support and Special Care

Factory HUB  Company is professional, creative and concept from knowledgeable. Dwayne our designer was actual teachings the great explorer of the truth patient, know how to pursue pleasure accommodating and work.

John DOE


Meet Our Team

We go to great lengths to identify impressive new talent self starters with specific skill sets to produce truly amazing results.

40 Years Experince

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account teachings

Certified Company

Great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness one rejects, dislikes pleasure itself.

#1 Supplier in Region

Those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely.

Best in the Market

Desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances.

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